People fall in commercial spaces like stores and restaurants, in industrial settings, and on other people’s property at alarming frequencies in the United States. Dan Caplis Law, our personal injury attorneys in Denver, knows the seriousness and the impact slip and fall injuries can have on you, your family members, and your loved ones. These falls are among the leading causes of brain injuries according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The law recognizes this danger and imposes an obligation on businesses, corporations, and landowners to maintain safe premises and warn of potential hazards.
If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a slip-and-fall caused by another person or business’s negligence then you may be entitled to compensation.
At Dan Caplis Law, our slip and fall attorneys in Denver are here to provide a consultation to you regarding your legal options at no upfront cost to you. Contact an attorney today by calling Dan Caplis Law at (303) 770-5551 or by filling out a contact form online.
Dan Caplis Law is Here to Help With Your Slip and Fall Claim
Our Denver slip and fall attorneys at Dan Caplis Law have significant experience helping clients who suffered injuries in slip and fall accidents. From intake to trial, you can trust that our attorneys are preparing your case for trial to maximize the compensation you will receive at your case’s resolution. Our slip-and-fall lawyers in Denver understand how to defeat the complex array of defenses an insurance company may raise to deny you the compensation you deserve, and they know how to prove that it was the defendant’s negligence that caused your injuries.
Perhaps most importantly, we genuinely care about our clients’ lives and in securing justice on their behalf.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Denver?
The risk of falling is ever-present, but many of the estimated 37.3 million falls the require medical attention annually can be attributed to negligence and are entire preventable.
Common causes include:
- Wet or slippery surfaces
- Loose or uneven flooring
- Broken staircases or handrails
- Tripping hazards
- Poor or inadequate lighting
- Uncleared debris
- Among many other causes.
If you or a loved one have sustained a slip and fall injury from inadequate working conditions, speak to our Denver work accident attorneys today.
What Types of Damages Can I Recover After a Slip And Fall Accident in Denver, Colorado?
People who are injured in falls are eligible to receive financial compensation in the form of damages, this includes any physical damages like brain or back injuries. Damages are awarded for the purpose of making an injured person “whole,” or putting him back in the place he would have been if he had never been injured.
Generally, damages can be awarded for lost income, and those damages specifically award three types of lost income claims:
- Income the person lost between suffering the injury and resolving his or her case;
- Income the person will lose in the future as a result of the injury; and
- Income the person will not be capable of earning due to impaired capacity to earn an income caused by the injury.
Outside of lost income, people injured in slip and fall accidents are often able to receive compensation for the following types of injuries:
- Pain and suffering, which includes the physical pain inflicted upon the person as a result of their injury;
- Loss of enjoyment of life, which are damages to compensate the person for the loss of the activities they enjoyed doing before their injury.
- Emotional distress, which compensates the injured person for mental health problems afflicted upon them as a result of the slip and fall injury.
- An injured person’s medical expenses, which will include the reasonable value of the medical expenses they incurred due to the injury.
If you or a loved one have endured any brain damage from a slip and fall accident, contact our brain injury accident lawyers in Denver today.
What to Do After A Slip And Fall Accident in Denver?
After a slip and fall, the most important thing to do is to assess yourself for injuries. If you are severely injured in the fall, call an ambulance to transport you to the hospital. You should see your trusted medical professional after suffering a slip and fall even if you do not feel that you suffered a severe injury to ensure you did not suffer any latent injuries.
Our premises liability attorneys in Denver know the importance of collecting information when they help you file a claim. While at the scene, try to get the names and contact information of anyone who witnessed your injury. You should try to get the insurance information of the person who owns the property where you fell as well as anyone else who was involved in the injury and report your fall to them.
Most importantly, contact an experienced slip and fall lawyer in Denver like our slip and fall attorneys at Dan Caplis Law to evaluate your claim. Legal claims operate on a use-or-lose basis, and evidence can be lost by a person’s decision to delay filing their case. At a minimum, a slip-and-fall attorney should be able to help you determine if you have a viable case.
Speak to Our Denver Slip and Fall Lawyers Today
The dangers of slip and falls are often underestimated, but at Dan Caplis Law, we understand how serious they can be. It is crucial that you be represented by a team of talented, dedicated attorneys who will counsel you at every step of your case. Call (303) 770-5551 for a free and confidential case evaluation or fill out our contact form online.