Micki Marion

Director of Operations

Micki is an administrative professional with 20+ years of industry experience. She joined The Dan Caplis Law Firm in 2024 and oversees the firm’s operations including human resources, team management and training, and financial and administrative matters. Micki possesses strong leadership skills and a commitment to excellence. She embraces the spirit of respect, communication, and the empowerment of others while cultivating a team-driven culture.

In addition to serving clients and our team, Micki volunteers her time to advocate for First Responder and Firefighter organizations for more resources to be provided for those in crisis. A native Coloradan, she enjoys time with family and friends and experiencing the beauty of Colorado on a golf course or hiking mountain trails.

Breaking: Dan Caplis Law welcomes former elected Arapahoe County District Attorney John Kellner as Managing Partner of the Firm.