No amount of money will ever compensate for the death of a loved one. Or lead to “closure”. But holding the responsible parties fully accountable through a wrongful death claim empowers the survivors and can help protect others. In addition, the money that we recover for the survivors will often help our grieving clients rebuild their lives.
Dan Caplis Law has a 40 year track record of record-setting in wrongful death cases. We are proud of the way that our results in wrongful death cases have helped make Colorado and America safer. Because every wrongful death client that Dan has represented over the past 40 years has told Dan the same thing: “I don’t want this to ever happen to anyone else”.
We approach every wrongful death case with sincere compassion and respect for our clients and the ultimate loss they have suffered, and a ferocious commitment to do whatever it takes to find the full truth force the offenders to pay fully. We handle every case with compassion and integrity. Let us put our world-class attorneys to work seeking the maximum compensation you deserve. Call us today at (303) 770-5551 or visit our contact page to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. We will listen to you, answer your questions, and explain your options. If we represent you, we will fight tirelessly to recover the full compensation you deserve.